Become A Relatable Writer in 8 Easy Steps

Over the last decade, there are many beautiful stories that we’ve all read and can relate to. So, what is the one thing that makes those stories so wonderful and enjoyable? It is the fact that they are relatable, and if you are aspiring to become such a great and relatable writer, here’s what you can do.


Know Your Audience

The first step is to decide on a target audience and then acquire information about them without judging them. That will stop you from writing about stereotypes and become more relatable. Knowing your audience gets you halfway done with the job.


Understand Your Expertise

There is no way you can become more relatable without knowing your forte first. Everyone has a special magical power. Some are good with narratives, while others have mastered the art of poetry. Whoever you are, figure it out before you start writing. As the elders say, knowing yourself is the first step to anything.


Pick A Genre

Select your favorite genre, and then start writing over it, including all the relevant themes and everything that will spice up things for your readers. From historical fiction to contemporary writing to postmodern scripts, there are several genres you can select from. Remember, you should choose the genre that you feel most comfortable with.


Write About What You See, Hear, and Speak

Don’t become Gandhi’s monkey and close your senses. Open them and embrace them because they are your best guides. If you want to be a relatable writer, you must empathize with the people around you.


Embrace Failure

Get this – you will fail. Writing is difficult, and you should know that. However, even if you fail for the hundredth time, that’s still fine. The key is to keep trying until you reach your mark because sometimes, when you think you’re writing great, you’re not. So write and fail until you get there.


Don’t Forget To Sprinkle Details.

Adding the crucial details is extremely important to make your writing more relatable because if you don’t write about the plot’s specifics, no one will understand it. But be sure not to mess things up too much or give away too much too soon.


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Create Soulful Characters

Let’s all agree that characters can make or break a script. From Sirius Black to Joker to Daenerys Targaryen, we’ve all seen how powerful characters can be. So, make sure that your characters are well written and well developed, but at the same time, don’t get too involved in their development that you give up on their basic characterization (coughs). A point in the case, the Lannister brothers.


Write In A Conversational Tone

Lastly, be sure to write naturally as if you are conversing with someone. You don’t have to use fancy words to attract readers. More people enjoy reading things they can understand. Trust me, nobody likes keeping a dictionary around when they’re reading for leisure.


So these are some of the tips on becoming a great, relatable writer. It took me a long time to learn these, but hopefully, it will help you out. Do let me know which one helped you out the most.

A storyteller and a writer who loves to teach and play the piano.

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