Workplace Anxiety is a Thing… Here’s How You Can Deal With It

Does your workplace make you feel like you want to crawl into a hole and stay there?

I get it; capitalism has drilled into our heads that work and fun don’t go together. But there’s a difference between the general, inevitable mundane work and something more complex and problematic. Your job shouldn’t make you panic at the very thought of it, and if it does, I’ve got some bad news for you. 

You might be suffering from workplace anxiety!

It’s widespread; 2400 out of every 100,000 workers suffer from it, which is an alarming number. In today’s fast-paced corporate world, stress, burnout, and anxiety are feelings we’re all well acquainted with and can tend to trivialize. It’s easy to neglect your mental health and get swept up in the ins and outs of your job. 

Signs you have workplace anxiety

Some work-related stress is normal and even healthy; it keeps you motivated and can boost your productivity. But how do you when it stops being the occasional tough day-at-work and can become something much uglier and more profound? Here are some common signs that you’re suffering from workplace anxiety. 


1. Negative thoughts

Does the thought of work make you feel dread and panic like something terrible is about to go down? Do you wake up feeling unmotivated and tired?

These are all signs that your workplace is causing you anxiety. 

Maybe it’s a toxic coworker or boss, perhaps you’ve had some conflicts at work, or maybe you don’t enjoy your job. Whatever the reason, workplace anxiety is a real thing and needs to be dealt with immediately. 

Even though we often tend to gaslight ourselves and brush off our emotional responses to things, it’s essential to observe what triggers your bad mood. If you’re constantly feeling irritable, exhibiting mood swings, and feeling nervous at work, your problem runs deeper than regular stress. 

Put, if you look like this picture of Kelly Kapoor from The Office on the inside, you’ve got workplace anxiety. 


2. Your diet 

Your appetite tells you a lot about your mental health. Eating too much or too little are both signs of mental health issues you may be facing. If your appetite drops or increases significantly at work, you’ve probably got workplace anxiety. We’re all different and cope with stressful situations in our ways. 

If you’re stress eating or starving at work, it’s an indication that your mental health is in trouble while you’re there. Your eating habits require your attention when they’re becoming abnormal and are affecting your health. If your eating habits are out of whack at work, you’re the unlucky victim of workplace anxiety.

3. Physical indications

Since I was a child, I’ve suffered from hives whenever I get very stressed out. If you don’t know what hives are, they’re itchy red bumps that appear in various areas of your body. These bumps are triggered by many things, the most common trigger being stress.

I noticed I was getting hives all over my arms more and more frequently at my previous employment. And ‘coincidentally’ they always appeared when I was at work, yep, not a good sign! If you’ve noticed hives on your body whenever you’re at or thinking about work, it’s workplace anxiety. 

There are also the common symptoms of anxiety to consider; shallow breathing, shortness of breath, heaviness in your chest, stomachaches, and migraines. If you’ve noticed any of these in yourself, you’ve got workplace anxiety!

4. Decreased productivity 

Of course, while you’re tending to stomachaches, migraines, hives, and unhealthy eating habits, your productivity is going to take the backseat. Lack of motivation while still nursing overwhelming feelings of dread is an indication of work-related anxiety. 

Workplace anxiety makes you worry more and get work done, making you feel paralyzed with panic at the thought of doing something work-related.

It’s okay; it’s not your fault. But there are ways you can overcome it and get better. 

How to deal with workplace anxiety? 

If you’re seeing a few or all of these things in yourself these days, here are some helpful tips for dealing with workplace anxiety. 

1. Identify the triggers

This is for those of you that can’t yet pinpoint the cause of your workplace anxiety. Only by identifying the source can you begin healing and getting over your problems. 

The first step is acceptance. The second step is playing detective. Think of yourself as an undercover agent on a cool stakeout for a dead perp (the dead perp is workplace anxiety). Observe your surroundings at work and see what is triggering the changes in your mood. 

Maybe it’s your boss, and our anxieties walk in as soon as they do. Perhaps it’s a challenging coworker that makes you nervous whenever they’re around. Or maybe it’s just a complex and demanding client.

Create a list of suspects, narrow them down, and cross them off if they’re not contributing to the problem. 

Once you’ve identified the cause, you can think about possible solutions and move on to the next step. 

2. Have the difficult conversation

Sometimes, and I do sometimes mean, because, let’s face it, the world isn’t rainbows and unicorns. Anyway, sometimes the problem is much more minor than it may appear to us in our heads. Sometimes the problem has a solution that is one difficult conversation away. 

For example, if your boss or coworker is doing something to cause your anxiety at work, you may have the option to talk to them about it and arrive at a solution. I get it; people aren’t always receptive to your feelings and may easily brush them off. 

This is, of course, subjective to every workplace. But if the person causing your anxiety seems open to communication, the best action plan is to communicate! I know, having a conversation like this is awkward, and you’re probably dreading it. I can’t even tell the waiter I ordered a coke instead of a sprite. 

But speaking from one anxious person to another, it’s always better to speak up than to stew in your feelings by yourself. (At the very least, after it’s out in the open, it’s not only your problem anymore *wink wink*) My point is, have the awkward and challenging conversation that makes your skin crawl. Who knows? It might make the issue go away! 

3. Be willing to do your part!

I hate to break this to you, but if you can’t identify an external cause of your workplace anxiety, then the problem maybe you. This doesn’t mean anything inherently wrong with you; it just means that the cause comes from your conduct. 

We’re all human. We’re all growing and changing. Sometimes it takes us time to adjust to a specific job role, and sometimes you’re going through a hard time; whatever it is, it’s not the end of the world and certainly not impossible to fix. 

I’ve been there; I’m terrible at managing my time and always end up completing my tasks fighting for my life at the last minute. My poor time management caused me to feel anxious about impending tasks, demotivating me further. 

The good news is that since you’re causing it, you can stop it! If you’re having trouble juggling work responsibilities, there are simple solutions to this. Take an organized approach; create a schedule, make a planner, set reminders, do whatever it takes to keep you on track. Identify whatever is in your workplace behavior that contributes to your anxiety and take the necessary steps to combat it. 

Be the change you want to see in your workplace

4. Seek professional help if need be

If the problem isn’t external or internal, it may be helpful to speak to a professional. Perhaps your anxiety extends beyond work, or there is some other underlying cause you’re not seeing. A mental health professional can help you identify the cause of your workplace anxiety and guide you in overcoming it. 

There’s no shame in admitting that you need help. Mental health professionals and counselors exist for a reason, and they are here to help. If your workplace anxiety is becoming unmanageable, it’s best to seek help from a licensed professional to help you take a closer look at everything.

5. Say goodbye 

Think of your job as a toxic relationship; cut ties immediately if you see more bad than good. I know job security is hard to come by these days, but your mental health is not the sacrifice you should be made to do better at your job. If there’s no solution in sight, it’s time to say goodbye to your workplace. 

If no amount of counseling, planning, and having difficult conversations is helping, switch jobs. You deserve to have a happy and fulfilling professional life, which means doing everything in your power to do what’s best for you. 

Did it help?


Okay, I know that ended on a grim note, but hopefully, the real talk helped. Workplace anxiety is common, and since it’s so common, there are ways you can overcome it. If things are bad, they don’t have to stay wrong. Workplace anxiety is treatable in many ways.

If you’re struggling with it, try out some of these tips and see if they help! 

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